Five Signs It’s Time to Update or Redesign Your Logo

The power of a logo cannot be understated. It often serves as one of the first things that customers associate with a brand – whether they see it on your website, through marketing, or even on the packaging of a product that a friend bought.

Consider the recognition that brands such as Google, Spotify and Starbucks have thanks to their logos. They are instantly recognizable by the public and have helped to build a strong brand identity for these well-known companies.

A logo is a key part of a brand identity, whether your business is a large franchise or a small business that you started up on your own. And like with many aspects of running a business, sometimes a logo design calls for a change to breathe new life into your business and brand identity.

Below, we take a look at five signs that signal it’s time to redesign your logo.

Five Signs It’s Time to Redesign Your Logo

  • It Feels Outdated

Sometimes companies can get a really long lifespan from a logo, but other times the lifespan may be shortened based on a range of factors like:

  • Changes in current trends and graphic design
  • Colors, images and symbols going out of style
  • The general consumer base reading your logo as outdated

Outdated logo designs can put a real damper on your brand identity, often leaving consumers with the impression that a business does not keep up with changing trends and ideas. When consumers read a logo as being outdated, they may feel less inclined to engage with your business.

An outdated logo can also look less appealing for online use if it hasn’t been redesigned with digital media and your website in mind.

  • If Your Logo Looks Unprofessional

Sometimes a logo is a DIY project as you work to get your business up and running or the initial designer you collaborate with provides you with something lackluster. Starter logo designs certainly have a time and place, but as your business continues to grow, it’s often a good idea to have your logo redesigned by a professional logo design company as you readjust your brand’s identity.

A professionally redesigned logo will help to elevate the look and feel of your brand immediately, allowing you to communicate the most important details of your business to your customer base. You can use the logo redesign as a chance to reintroduce your brand to your customer base – new and old.

For example, you can use your redesigned logo across social media, your website and marketing materials to present a new, cohesive visual identity that is instantly recognizable as your business.

  • It Lacks Versatility Across Platforms

Marketing strategies continue to grow and evolve as technology becomes more and more accessible to consumers. There is a growing number of platforms that businesses can make effective use of, from your own website to social media and other opportunities to build brand awareness.

Modern trends tend to favor simple and streamlined design, making for easy use and identification of brands on social media and websites. Think of any business that you may follow on Instagram or Facebook and take a closer look at their logo. They have most likely designed their logo to fit their brand needs while also keeping in mind that versatility (be it in size, file type, or overall design elements) is important.

  • Your Brand’s Messaging and Values Are Changing

Over time, your business’ brand may start to change. Your logo should not only serve as meaning to your brand, but it should reflect any changes to your business’ messaging and values as they occur. The logo that was designed when you were starting out may not reflect new changes, meaning that a redesign is in order.

For example, say your business makes major adjustments to overall business operations. Perhaps you take a more environmentally friendly route of production. This kind of large change means that your business values have shifted. Your logo should reflect these changes – whether that be through new colors, symbols or fonts.

You can always consult with a logo design company in Columbus on the specific brand messaging and values you’d like to get across in your logo.

  • You Are Expanding Your Business

Business expansion is another great time to consider a logo redesign. As we’ve discussed, a logo is a visual element to your brand identity that your customers associate with your business. And if you’ve had the same logo for a long time, it can make it a bit difficult to nail down a perfect time to make changes to it.

But a big change in the business makes for an opportune moment to make some adjustments. A logo redesign paired with changes to your business’ services allows you to show your customers the new changes that are coming at the same time.

Remember, no matter when you decide to redesign your logo, you’ll be bringing a fresh take to both your business and brand identity that your customers will take notice of.

About the Author, Estep Media Solutions is a logo design company based in Columbus, Ohio. With more than 90 years of combined experience across all areas of marketing, from website design, Search Engine Optimization, and content creation to logo design, the Estep Media team produces high-quality work for each client they take on. As an award-winning firm, they bring a professional touch to each project while offering reasonable pricing across all of the services they offer.