Tips To Optimize Amazon Product Listings For Voice Search

Amazon has led the eCommerce landscape for over a decade. It has simplified and transformed shopping in thousands of ways. Among all those, two of its greatest innovations are Alexa (a proprietary AI-based voice assistant) and Alexa-driven voice search. 

Alexa is integrated into Amazon’s mobile app and Echo products that feature this AI Amazon virtual assistant. It has made shopping on Amazon convenient and more accessible. Consumers can explore the marketplace through voice commands, place orders, request information, or access entertainment. However, sellers need appropriate Amazon listing optimization to best utilize this feature for their eStore’s benefit. The idea here is to give Amazon’s AI enough ground to build an audience for your products and lead them to purchase. Optimization assists the sellers in getting their products noticed so that Alexa can put it across to the customer searching for something similar. 

So, if you are a seller or vendor on Amazon looking to increase conversions and beat the competition through Alexa-based shopping, here’s how you can optimize Amazon product listings for this purpose. 

The need for Amazon listing optimization for Alexa

  • Lengthy, specific inputs

Voice search is different from text-based searches. With voice search, customers tend to be more specific (including product name/brand), resulting in longer inputs. Thus, Amazon Store SEO needs to be done to cater to this search method.

The search threads get descriptive when we speak – resulting in the need to have product listings that are optimized for long-tail search queries.

The voice commands can contain brand-specific requests since there is no visual medium to identify and select the desired product in most cases. Customers also mention product attributes like size, number, and color. The listing content should be optimized to cater to this difference between text-based and voice-based searches. 

  • Voice search growth

Another reason Amazon description writing needs to be optimized for voice search is its popularity. So far, over 100 million devices have been sold with Alexa integrated into them. Its popularity is only increasing, with 94.2 Million people in the US owning an Amazon smart device with Alexa in 2021. 

It shows that people are using voice assistants frequently to serve different purposes, with Alexa having a strong lead over the competition from Google and Apple. One of those purposes is online shopping via Amazon. The trend is expected to continue moving in this direction. Amazon is also integrating Alexa into multiple device types to ensure that a customer is never away from one.

  • Additional Capabilities 

When Alexa debuted in 2014 as a part of Amazon’s Echo Dot Smart speaker, it could only perform basic functions like setting the alarm, timer, and dimming the lights. In all, it had 130 skills that its users could utilize. 

However, Amazon has continuously beefed up this system through updates, adding new capabilities at each step. Presently, Alexa can perform 80,000 actions, with more being added each year. A majority of these functions present an opportunity for your products to be sold via suggestions made by Alexa to customers.

Another feature of Alexa is its ability to browse through a user’s search and purchase histories and suggest items from the user’s past. If it finds that the current query is new, the query gets added to the history list while simultaneously suggesting a product matching the search. Usually, it’s one containing the Amazon Choice badge, similar to the search results brought up during text-based searches. 

Optimize Amazon product listings accordingly, and you’ll increase your chances of being discovered and possibly having your products bought as well, thus increasing conversions.

Use these tips when working with Alexa Voice Search to offer a search-friendly user experience, simplify buyer journeys, increase accessibility, and improve your conversions and brand value on Amazon.