Top Influencer Marketing Trends For 2022

Social media is a constantly evolving beast. What is famous one minute may be obsolete the next, leaving even the world’s largest brands behind.

So we thought we’d help you stay trendy with some of the biggest trends in influencer marketing this year.

Let’s get going!

The last quarter of the year comes with a festive spirit. Upgrade your marketing campaigns & spice up your content with UGC. Discover immersive marketing ideas & strategies to reap maximum results!

Top Influencer Marketing Trends For 2022

Micro & Nano Influencers Will Be In Demand

Influencers range in size from nano influencers with a few thousand followers to celebrity influencers with millions. However, micro-influencers, especially those with fewer than 25K followers, have the highest engagement rates which are at around 7%.

Since Instagram engagement rates have been declining, businesses are taking a closer look at influencers with an engaged following, even if they have fewer followers.

Brands can stretch their influencer marketing budgets by focusing on nano and micro-influencers while still working with influencers who are deeply connected to their audiences. Partnerships with an increasing number of brands will benefit influencers.

influence marketing trends

Ongoing Partnerships Over One-Off Projects

Expect brands and influencers to collaborate on long-term, ongoing projects rather than one-time sponsored posts throughout 2022. There are several reasons for this shift, but the bottom line is that selling takes time.

Even the most engaged influencers will struggle to make a meaningful contribution when commissioned for a single sponsored post. However, suppose you want to capitalize on this influencer marketing trend. In that case, we recommend creating packages you can sell to brands looking for your services.

This will include several sponsored posts over time, similar to what they would do with Facebook ads or ads on other platforms. Joining an influencer marketing network can also help you gain credibility.

Social Commerce Will Bring In More Collaborations

Brands were asked to get creative with how they connected with customers in 2021. Brick-and-mortar stores scrambled to embrace eCommerce, and eCommerce stores, suddenly faced with more competitors, scrambled to offer better and easier ways to buy.

The year forced more brands to embrace new technology faster, forcing new technology creators to accelerate their inventions.

As a result, social commerce has created new opportunities for influencer marketing and brand sponsorships.

Shoppable videos and posts have created a unified user experience. For example, influencer content to brand channels and more extensive eCommerce solutions.

Influencer marketers should anticipate that these trends will continue in 2022. They should seek partnerships with brands to include shoppable content in their influencer marketing campaigns.

Reposting User-Generated Content

Many businesses employ user-generated content (UGC), an excellent marketing strategy. When compared to branded advertising, it is perceived as more trustworthy. It can contribute to the credibility of your products and the majority of enticing content.

Lush completely replaced traditional advertising with user-generated content images of their products. This is appropriate because influencer marketing is an excellent way to connect with millennials and Gen Z consumers of their products.

However, the legality of UGC reposts remains unknown. More discussions about this are being planned. Some creators, for example, request credit within the first two lines of a caption rather than at the bottom. This is a growing trend that reflects the evolution of content creation. People want to make sure their names appear above the fold.

Influencers Will Become More Specialized

Influencers have already carved out niches for themselves, and this is a trend that shows no signs of stopping. Instead, influencers will continue to gain expertise in their niche making them even more desirable to brands in those industries.

As an influencer, it may be time to consider which industries you are most passionate about and begin courting partnerships with brands that make sense for the path you wish to take.

As influencers become more specialized, our language will most likely change. For example, some influencers are called “creators” or “content creators.”

Because so many influencers are true artists – photographers, videographers, writers, and so on – it’s understandable that they’d prefer to be known for what they genuinely do rather than being labeled as “influencers” or “internet celebrities.” We believe they can be both, but keep an eye out for these fundamental changes in language.

Metaverse Is Going To Be More Active

The Metaverse has arrived, even if you’re still trying to wrap your head around it. Expect the Metaverse to go mainstream in 2022. The global market for Metaverse technologies is expected to grow from $12 billion in 2020 to $72.8 billion in 2024.

It’s essentially a 3D internet in which our physical reality interacts with augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR). Expect influencers and brands to enter this new digital space across all niches and audiences, with Metaverses focusing on specific interests such as gaming or beauty.

Nike has filed trademark applications in the Metaverse for downloadable virtual goods, and Disney is developing a virtual theme park.

Authenticity Will Get In Demand Even More

While we’ve already begun to notice this trend in the last year, 2022 will be the year it takes off. After that, presenting a polished image on social media is no longer necessary.

Creators are showing more of their everyday lives and behind-the-scenes realities, thanks partly to the natural and raw nature of TikTok’s content stream.

They’re avoiding filters in favor of more authentic and natural footage. It’s more relatable and what their fans want to see.

In 2022, brands will be looking for Creators who create authentic content that does not look like an advertisement. The days of picture-perfect grids and over-saturated photos are over.

Wrapping Up!

Influencer marketing has peaked significantly in recent years, and there are good reasons behind it. Influencer marketing trends are taking the online world by storm, and brands & businesses benefit from them. Suppose you are unaware of the significant marketing trends. In that case, this guide will help you align with what is happening in the business world.